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Library Trustee Minutes 08/13/07
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
August 13, 2007

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Kathy Chisholm, (Library Director), Connie Kirwin, Sheila Proctor (Co-Chair), and Margaret Warner (Co-Chair).

Minutes: minutes from July 9, 2007 accepted.

Treasurer's Report: (See attached). Nancy reported on the following items:
"       The water line was installed last week. Nancy will contact the Antrim Water Department about installing a water meter.
"       There are still problems with incorrect allocation of deposits in the cash register. Kathy will review the situation with the staff to ensure that they understand how to use the register and the importance of correct allocation.
"       Nancy will call Bob Edwards (Trustee of the Trust Funds) about a date for expected mid-year disbursement of Trust Funds.
"       Nancy or Kathy will find out from Allan Treadwell the status of the purchase of a backup scanner.

Library Director's: (See attached).
"       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting.
"       Kathy reported that it is estimated that the Library will be closed the week of September 17th for the move-this date is tentative pending confirmation from John Kendall and the status of the elevator installation. Kathy will contact Allan Treadwell about his schedule for installing computer wiring.
"       Kathy touched on a few highlights of her report: $1,330 donation from the Mayer family in honor of their father's 90th birthday; the situation with Spectrum circulation software upgrade-Kathy is in contact with state wide libraries that are in similar circumstances and are researching the situation. She will update us as developments occur.

Old Business:
"       Discussed the use of the PAC sign up sheets and it was decided that the sheet itemizing the list of software programs will be used as a survey form and each patron will be asked to voluntarily participate in identifying the programs they use. The current PAC sign up sheet will continue to be used for scheduling and for compiling statistics on computer use.

New Business:
"       Kathy's vacation time was discussed; currently she is due approximately 3 weeks.
"       Kathy will investigate why the outside flood lights don't work.
"       Revisions to the Personnel Policy were discussed. Kathy stayed for the discussion on the Definitions of Employment and then left the meeting. Janis will be notified of the corrections to the policy and final approval will be done at the September meeting.

Next meeting: September 10, 2007 at 7:30 pm.

        Respectfully submitted,
        Connie Kirwin, Secretary